Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find an overview of the most frequently asked questions to us.
If you have questions that were not resolved here, write to us.
We are determined to find an answer for you.

Is registration free at

Registration is completely free.
As you can see in the registration data, we do it without your complete address.
So we have no data that we could use for any hidden costs.

Are there any lost or hidden costs?

No, as you can see here, a normal prepaid system is used.

No contract is concluded here in any way. You credit your account easily through one of our reputable payment providers, whenever and however you want.
If it's empty, it's up to you whether you want to credit it or not.
Thanks to our reputable payment providers, where you can review the actual costs completely transparently and thus have complete control over the costs,
and thanks to the bonus Coins you can have your fun here even without real money.

Is there really, really, really no subscription hidden here?

Nooo, I have personally reviewed everything in the fine print and found nothing.
But seriously, there is no fixed financial time commitment.
Everyone here can come and go whenever and however they want.
The only thing here where you can invest money is our Coins,
which you can purchase, and you can see what it costs and what you get for it.

What do I need to register?

To register with us, you need a valid email address and a mobile phone.
We will send you an activation link to the email address to verify the correctness of your email address.
We will send you an activation code via SMS to your mobile number.
This double activation ensures us and you,
that there are no fake profiles here spamming this portal.

Can I complete my profile later?

Of course, you can change your profile at any time.
It is also important for you to find other members better.
If you have a picture in the profile, you will also find out faster when searching.

Can I delete my profile?

Of course you can. Anyone can come and go whenever they want.
If you have found a partner or just don't want to be here,
you can simply click the Delete Account button in your profile settings
and your data will be deleted permanently.
With us, you don't need to have a written notice of deletion
or call an expensive 0900 ... call number or fax or email survey.
Deletion is thus completely hassle-free with one click.

What benefits does this site offer me?

As the name suggests, it is about safe love.
Here you can get to know each other completely anonymously before moving on to the next step.
Your mobile number or personal information is not known to your counterpart because everything runs through our system.
So you are safe from stalkers or scammers. Since our services are not free, you can also be sure that your flirt partner is really serious about you.
Joke idiots or little kids will certainly not spend any money to send mass emails or joke messages.
Your money is not invested in vain here either. You can also send messages via SMS.
You can even do it in various ways.

Internet -> Mobile phone
Mobile phone -> Mobile phone
Mobile phone -> Internet

This has the advantage that your flirting partner receives the message even if they are not on the website.
If you later decide to exchange your real data, you can do it at any time.

Why pay here if it's free elsewhere?

To take the wind out of the sails, nothing in the world is free.
Of course, there are many dating websites or communities that look free from the outside, but
come in the background with your data.
The advertising industry is always happy when it gets personal data in its hands.
But it should also tell your common sense,
employees of the respective internet portals cannot live on air and love.
They also need to live.
Since we cannot please our employees with a thank you,
we have a small payment system here.
But the big advantage for you is that there are no affiliated partners on our sites, and your data is kept confidential.
Thanks to the payment system here on our site, no spammers feel like coming here because they only choose places that are free.
Hardly any spammer is willing to spam out money.

Is your payment system secure?

Millions of people use electronic payment systems as payment.
We have also decided to connect them.
We do not want any bank details from our customers.
All payments are processed via a secure SSL connection to your payment provider.

Can I test this without paying?

Certainly. Once you are registered here, you will receive 12 Coins to start with.
With these, you can immediately get started. But if you are at all unsure or think it’s not what you want,
you can ask a friend to register here and then test the system with your friends.
There are no costs, and you can judge if our website works correctly.

How large a file can I upload?

Currently, the upload limit per file is 1 MB.
For images, only jpg files can be used.
This is the common format for digital cameras.

I received an ad within What should I do?

Please report these people! We urge these people to delete the profile immediately.
Finally, should remain free of ads.
So just send an email to
and let us know the username and send the corresponding email.

I feel harassed by a user, what can I do?

You might want to add this user to your block list,
so you won't receive any more messages from him/her.
For violations of our terms, report the user to authorities.

I uploaded a picture, but it was deleted again. Why?

Regarding profile pictures, we only accept portrait photos and possibly full-body images.
Crops like the eye, cartoons, children's pictures, pictures with animals, erotic images, drawings, etc.
cannot be accepted.
Images that do not meet these guidelines will be removed.

My profile is blocked, what should I do?

If you have not deactivated your account yourself, you cannot log in again
and your profile will be shown as deactivated when you search for your username.
You have violated our terms and conditions.
This might have happened by providing email addresses, URLs, phone numbers in the profile,
sending advertisements, sending mass emails, excessive harassment of others,
fake offenses (indicating you are female even though you are a male) or by using a third-party photo.
If you have not violated the terms, please log

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